Parable of the Dishonest Manager.
October 16, 2020 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: The Parables of Jesus
Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Luke 16:1–13
Heaven is God’s gift, freely available through the death of Christ who paid the penalty for the sins of all who will receive Him. if you have received God’s gift of eternal life, you must live with God as your Master, not mammon (unrighteous wealth).
You need to ask yourself, “Am I living as a faithful steward, shrewdly using the resources God has entrusted to me to lay up treasures in heaven? Or, have I slipped into squandering God’s resources for my own purposes, losing sight of the fact that eternity is quickly approaching?”
Christians know that the time is soon coming when the mammon of unrighteousness will fail. We will die or Christ will return, and money won’t do us any good in heaven. But we can use our money now to store up treasures in heaven by making eternal friends through the gospel.
Discussion Questions
- How can we know where to draw the line on spending on ourselves versus investing in God’s kingdom purposes?
- Agree/disagree: If Christians were committed to the Great Commission, most could give far more than 10 percent.
- What are some implications of the fact that money management is the “little thing” that God uses to test us for our trustworthiness in handling true riches (souls)?
- Should Christians will their estates to unbelieving or lukewarm children? Give biblical support.
More in The Parables of Jesus
November 27, 2020
Parable of the Wicked Tenants.November 20, 2020
The Parable of the Ten Minas.November 13, 2020
The Reason for the Parable.