
What is the Gospel?

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What is the Gospel?

April 5, 2013

Two Lost Sons: A Parable of the Gospel

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Luke 15:11–15:32

March 22, 2013

What does the Gospel provide? Strength for sanctification

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Philippians 2:11–2:18

March 15, 2013

What does the Gospel provide? The joy of justification

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Galatians 2:15–2:21

March 8, 2013

Good news: The King has come

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Mark 1:14–1:15

February 22, 2013

A picture of the Gospel: Baptism

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Colossians 2:11–2:15

February 15, 2013

A picture of the Gospel: Holy Communion

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23–11:26

February 8, 2013

Good news for the entire creation

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Romans 8:19–8:23

February 1, 2013

Good news for every man, woman and child

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: Romans 1:16–1:17

January 25, 2013

Why does the Gospel matter?

Preacher: Series: What is the Gospel? Topic: Foundations Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1–15:2