Covid 19 and Family Prayer
This last Friday as we studied Luke 5:1-11 together, I made the following comments:
"We all understand that “social distancing” is necessary from an epidemic-control point of view, but my fear is that during this time of isolation, many people will be tempted to “spiritually distance” themselves from God, and from the church, and basically go on a spiritual holiday. Be careful of binge watching Netflix while you are stuck at home. Rather fill your time, by reading God’s word, with more intentional prayer or listening to sermons or catching up on reading some Christian books you have not had the time to before. Join a study group online….
We need God’s word. Be like the crowd standing by the lake of Gennesaret. Press in on Jesus, to hear what God has to say!"
I have attached a link to a wonderful article that will hopefully encourage you and your family to prayer together during these days of uncertainty.
Without saying to much, I have copied the last paragraph of this article, which says:
"As our families make time to pray together in our kitchens and living rooms, we have fellowship with Christ. We gather in his name, with his people, proclaiming his praises, and asking for things that please him. And, by his Spirit, he will be there too. In the face of uncertainty and illness, we are not alone. When a family prays together, Jesus will attend every time."
Please click on this link to read the full article:
Please know that the elders are praying for you at this time. We miss you all, we love you all and we cant wait till we are united together again. Even though we are isolated physically, we are united in the Spirit of God and in our prayers for each other. If you have any prayer request you would like us to pray for during this time, please send them directly to us.
On behalf of the elders
Pastor Gareth
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