
The Tale of Two Servants.

July 16, 2023 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: Philippians - Journey of a Joyful Life

Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Philippians 2:19–30

The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Philippian church, encouraging them in their faith. He wanted them to push forward and continue to grow and mature in their faith. In today’s passage, he exhorts them to do this by imitation. Paul commends to the church (and to us) two model servants who exemplify the very ideals he has encouraged in Philippians 1:27-2:18. There are three lessons we can learn from this exhortation about Timothy and Epaphroditus:

  1. Imitate Those Who Serve Others (2:19-24)
  2. Imitate Those Who Suffer Hardship (2:25-28)
  3. Imitate Those Who Love His Mission (2:29-30)

Timothy and Epaphroditus also serve as real-life examples of the Christlike attitude and actions that Paul calls the Philippians to in Philippians 2:1-8. Timothy exemplifies concern and selflessness (Phil.2:20-21). Both Timothy and Epaphroditus have “served” Paul in his need (Phil. 2:22,25). Epaphroditus is concerned for the Philippians; even selflessly concerned for their concern for him (Phil. 2:26). A supreme mark of Christlikeness, he was willing to lay down his life for the Philippians, for Paul, and for the gospel mission (Phil. 2:30). While Christ is the perfect example (and the only saving sacrifice), God is good to give us imperfect but important examples of Christlikeness to watch and imitate. 

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