
Peter's Call to the Gentiles.

October 22, 2021 Preacher: Pedro Samuel Series: Acts - The Gospel in Motion

Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Acts 9:32–43

Peter was God’s instrument to bring healing to Aeneas and resurrection to Dorcas. There are no New Testament examples of believers being miraculously healed, although three believers, Lazarus, Dorcas, and Eutychus, were raised from the dead. Sickness and death are pictures of the spiritual condition of lost people. We see in our text God using His servants to bring His powerful cure to such people.

1. Peter in Lydda (v. 32-35)
2. Peter in Joppa (v. 36-42)
3. Peter in a Tanner’s House (v. 43)

From verse 43, we learn that Peter was staying in Joppa with a certain tanner, named Simon. Luke includes this detail because it gives Peter’s whereabouts in anticipation of the story in the next chapter. But it is also significant in that the Jewish rabbis considered tanners to be unclean because they were constantly in contact with the skins of dead animals. God is teaching Peter to overcome this Jewish prejudice by staying many days with a tanner.

We all have certain prejudices, but if God is going to use us in proclaiming the gospel, we must lay them all aside. There may be certain races or certain types of sinners that you do not naturally like. If you don’t turn from it, your prejudice will be a sinful hindrance to God’s using you. More of this in chapter 10!

Discussion Questions

  1. If sinners are truly dead in their sins, is it mockery to call upon them to repent and believe in Christ? Why/why not?
  2. Why is it important to affirm that salvation, even of a “good” person, is always a supernatural act of God?
  3. Should every Christian be seeking to reach those who are culturally different or is this just the gift of some?
  4. What are some prejudices that keep Christians from sharing the gospel?

More in Acts - The Gospel in Motion

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