The N.T. Church's First Sermon
June 11, 2021 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: Acts - The Gospel in Motion
Topic: Christian Living, The Church Scripture: Acts 2:14–41
In this text, the apostle Peter preaches one of the most important messages ever preached that resulted in 3000 unbelievers giving their lives to Jesus. The same Spirit that empowered Peter to preach with such effectives, boldness and clarity is available to each Christian today, to help us be faithful witnesses of our Lord and King.
Even though you may never be called on to preach to a crowd, you will have opportunities to bear witness for Christ. Studying Peter’s sermon can help you be ready.
This is the first (excluding the little speech of Peter in Acts 1) of fifteen sermons in The Acts of the Apostles. Many of them, of course, are by Paul; one of them is by James; another one is by Stephen; and at least seven, possibly eight, are by the Apostle Peter. This sermon by Peter is a very important sermon.
Peter takes seven texts from the Old Testament and expounds those texts, and applying those texts, and drawing men and women to a place where they will decide for Jesus Christ as a consequence of the message of those texts.
Discussion Questions
- Agree/disagree: Modern evangelism is too man-centered.
- How can we get religious, “good” people to feel the conviction of their sins? (See Gal. 3:24; 1 Tim. 1:8-11; Matt. 5:21-48).
- Why is repentance inseparable from true saving faith?
- Can a person accept Jesus as Saviour without accepting Him as Lord?
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