
Responding to the Saviour.

December 21, 2018 Series: Christmas Season

Scripture: Matthew 2:1–12, Matthew 2:16–18


Story -  

"It was Christmas morning. I was maybe 15 and knew that my parents had spent all their money on gifts (we were very very poor growing up). My sister was 10 or 11 and also knew albeit vaguely that my parents were very tight on money (she and I had long talks about why we couldn't shop at the mall and why we always wore hand-me-downs, etc). 

She unwrapped the gift excitedly. I remember mom and dad looking at each other and their expressions of weariness but excitement, finally, they had gotten their daughter a gift she had really wanted, and who cared if we couldn't eat next week? And when she pulled out the gameboy she was completely silent, just looked at it with a grimace. My mom asked, tentatively, if that was a good present? Slowly, she wrapped it back up, set it in my mom's lap, and said, "My sister can have it. I wanted it in pink, not grey." 
My parents were both in shock and I saw my mom's eyes well up with tears. My sister, oblivious, stood up and said, "This is the worst Christmas ever." Then she strode into her bedroom and slammed and locked the door. My mother was inconsolable and even my dad had to leave the house. I've never felt so sorry for them."

Unfortunately this story resonates with us because all of us at some point have had similar experiences when it comes to peoples' selfish responses towards Christmas. Our text this morning has much to say to us about our response, toward the real reason we celebrate Christmas - king Jesus who come as the Saviour of the world. Our response will undoubtedly be like that of either the Wise Men, Herod, or Jerusalem. And how we respond has eternal implications.

As we consider the birth of Christ today, I want us to examine three responses to the incarnation from the Christmas narrative in Matthew 2.

  1. First, the worshipful response of the wisemen.
  2. Second, the jealous response of King Herod.
  3. And third, the indifferent response of the entire city of Jerusalem.


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