
The Ultimate Question

August 24, 2018 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: Christmas Season

Topic: The Gospel Scripture: Luke 2:10–11

(Reader’s Digest) A four-year-old boy and his family were sitting outdoors enjoying lemonade and cookies when a bee started buzzing around the table. The boy was very upset and his mother tried to calm him. “Nathan, that bee is more afraid of you than you are of him,” she said. “Look how much bigger you are. Besides, if that bee stings you, his stinger will fall out and he’ll die.”

Nathan considered this for a moment and then asked, “Does the bee know that?”

That was a good question! There are important questions in life that we need to ask and answer correctly: “Is there a God?” “How can I know Him?” “Is there life after death?” “Do heaven and hell exist?” “If so, where will I go when I die?” “How can I know for certain that I’m right about the answers to these questions?”

At the root of all these important questions is a crucial question that every person must answer. In fact, every person will answer this question, either now or at the judgment. But if you wait to answer it until the judgment, it will be too late!

The question you must answer and respond to correctly is, “Who is Jesus Christ?”

Are the accounts about Jesus and His claims true or false?

Is there adequate evidence to believe these accounts? Especially, is there valid historical evidence that Jesus arose bodily from the dead? The apostle Paul did not hesitate to hang the entire Christian faith on the answer to that one question. 1 Corinthians 15:17 “and if Christ hath not been raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins”.

  • Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said to them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. (11) For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


Application Questions

  1. What would you say to the person who said, “If Jesus works for you, that’s great, but that’s not my thing”?
  2. Why is it crucial to affirm the full humanity and full deity of Jesus Christ? Can a person be saved who denies Jesus’ deity?
  3. How does answering the question about Jesus’ identity affect how we think and live?
  4. Is it necessary to feel lost in order to get saved? How can we share the gospel with those who do not feel lost?

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