Key Marks of the Life of the Church.
July 2, 2021 Preacher: Pedro Samuel Series: Acts - The Gospel in Motion
Topic: The Church Scripture: Acts 2:42–47
Luke describes the communal life of the first Jewish converts in Jerusalem: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, were in fellowship with each other, ate together, and prayed (2:42).
It begins in verse 41 and ends in verse 47 with a statement about the Lord adding people to the church. Verse 41: "So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added [notice the passive: the Lord did the adding] that day about three thousand souls." Verse 47b: "And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved." So the Lord himself, as Jesus said, is building his church (Matthew 16:18). Or, as verse 39 says, the Lord is "calling" his people to himself.
Now between these two statements is a description of how the church lived after they had been "added" or "called." Verse 42 seems to me to be a summary statement, which is unpacked in more detail in verses 43–47. Verse 42 says that the believers were devoted—that is, seriously, and earnestly persisted in—four things: "the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." Each of these four things turns up one way or another in verses 43–47.
Discussion Questions
1. Which of the three areas is the strongest in our church and in your life? Which do we most need to work on? How?
2. Is our church purpose statement adequate? How could it be improved?
3. Should we be expecting conversions daily (or weekly) or is this unusual? What in us would hinder God sending revival?
4. Is it possible to get out of balance on any of the three priorities? If so, how?
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