
Othniel: Lion of God

January 15, 2021 Preacher: Gareth Franks Series: The Book of Judges

Topic: Christian Living Scripture: Judges 3:1–11

The story so far:

Israel is living in the land God promised, but alongside people who worship false gods, because they didn't fully trust God and so didn't fully obey him. They spiralled downward into terrible sin.

Israel was supposed to be separate from the world around them. They were unique among all the peoples of the world. They had been chosen, redeemed and set apart to serve the Lord God Almighty, and He expected them to remain separate (Deuteronomy 7:6-11). Because they didn’t, they opened a floodgate of sin that would end with them facing the terrible chastisement of God.

Israel proved that they could not be trusted to stand up against the enemy. They proved that they would rather join the enemy than fight them.

But God in his faithfulness never forgets His children. Because of His love, He cannot allow His people to keep sinning without disciplining them. This discipline was a form He used to turn them back to Him. Every time it worked. When they repented, He was ready to save them again.


  1. Israel’s Compromise (v. 5-7)
  2. Israel’s Chastisement (v. 8)  
  3. Israel’s Champion (v. 9-11)  

Discussion Questions:

1. We see in verse 5-6, that Israel intermarried with the Canaanites. What did this eventually lead too?

2. Why do you think that, in one generation, from worshiping God and fighting evil, the people of God have abandoned God while they sleep with the enemy? (6b, 7b)

3.God was very angry with his people for their sin against him, and their idolatry. What did He do to them as a result of their rebellion? (v.8)

4. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, "Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals." How are we to interact with the world and be a light to them if we are not to be equally yoked with them? 

5. Othniel’s victories are attributed to God, rather than to Othniel. Why is this so, and how does this relate to our walk with the Lord?

More in The Book of Judges

April 9, 2021

The Canaanite Within Us

March 26, 2021

Judges 17-18: Israel’s Ultimate Sin

March 19, 2021

Samson: The Unwanted Saviour